After Booking

Do I need to carry a photo ID to check-in at the hotel ?
Reconfirmation of a hotel booking is not required. You may only plan your stay and leave the rest on us! Yatra team personally ensures confirmation of all bookings made by our customers.
How will I know my hotel booking has been confirmed ?
Once you have made the hotel booking, the voucher confirming the booking will be sent to your registered email-ID. In case you haven't received your voucher within an hour of booking, just login to the section on the website and print the voucher from there.
What are the check-in and check-out times of a hotel ?
The check-in and check-out time vary from hotel to hotel. Usually, the check-in time is either 12 noon or 2.00 PM and check-out time is 11.00 AM. To know the check-in and check-out time of the hotel booked, you can refer to the section or the booking confirmation voucher sent to you.
What is the minimum age for hotel check-in?
The primary guest must be at least 18 years of age on the day of check-in.
Will the hotel get immediate confirmation of my booking ?
Yes, the hotel gets an alert instantly of your booking confirmation. However, in exceptional scenarios few hotels may take upto 4 hours to update your reservation in their system depending on your check in date.
How do I get an invoice for my booking?
You can get a copy of the booking invoice by simply logging into Manage my booking section and clicking on Print Invoice.
How can I get Invoice using Yatra's booking reference number?
You can view/print your invoice without signing in, by simply going to Manage my booking section under My Account.
I have not received my Hotel booking Voucher.
H2H shares your hotel booking voucher instantly on your registered email address after a sucessful hotel reservation. In case you are unable to locate your Hotel Voucher, you may simply logon to using your registered email id and password. Once logged in, please click over "My Booking" Section and download your voucher. In case you do not have your login credentials please use the "Forgot Password" link to reset your password.
I have received an unconfirmed hotel booking voucher
In exceptional scenarios, due to fluctuation in availability / pricing a booking may not get confirmed. In such a scenario, we invite you to rebook an alternate hotel reservation with and we shall ensure your Unconfirmed reservation is refunded. H2H team initiates a full refund within 24 hours of your Unconfirmed reservation, however Private sector banks may take up to 2-3 working days and public sector banks may take up to 7 working days to reflect the amount in your account.
My money has been deducted, and I have not received any confirmation mail or booking ID from your side.
In rare cases, it may take longer for the email to reach the customer. In case this has happened to you, we apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, please check for your confirmation on Manage my booking section of the website. In case there is no information, please click on Contact us and allow us to help you.

Modify Booking

How can I cancel my hotel booking?
You can cancel your hotel booking by logging into . Please find below the steps for cancelling: Log in to Manage my Boking On your dashboard - click on Cancel, select the booking you want to cancel After clicking on Cancel Booking, select the room you want to cancel Select the mode of refund & proceed with cancellation Kindly note, you get to review your booking and cancellation charges before the final cancellation. Once the ticket is cancelled, the refund amount will be displayed. Also, the amount will be refunded through the mode chosen by you at the time of booking.
How do I change check-in dates of my hotel reservation ?
Amendment to an existing reservation depends on the availability of rooms and the cancellation policy of your reservation. In case your booking is refundable at the time of your amendment request, we suggest you to follow the below steps: Check availability as per your requirement on the website If available, you may cancel your reservation and opt for an instant refund in H2H E-wallet to rebook using the amount already paid OR Choose to refund in your original mode of payment. Make a new reservation as per your requirement (subject to availability at the time of booking). For Non-Refundable bookings: please send us an email at [email protected] regarding the desired change in your booking. We will check the availability and charges applicable (if any). Amendment to an existing booking is subject to room availability and hotel policies. Please Note: Hotels do not accept Amendments for Same Day / Next day check in, due to limited availability/ Inventory allocations.
How to change the number of rooms that I booked?
You may change the number of rooms by following the below steps: Addition of rooms: Check for availability of the additional rooms in the hotel of your choice on and book a New reservation for additional room requirements. Reduction of rooms: You may choose to cancel your existing reservation and make a fresh reservation with the reduced number of rooms on Please note: Standard cancellation charges apply as per the cancellation policy of your existing reservation.
What are the cancellation charges for my hotel booking?
Cancellation charges may vary from hotel to hotel and also depend on the date of cancellation. To know the cancellation charges applicable to your booking, we recommend you to refer "Cancellation Policy" on your hotel booking voucher.

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